Compiled by Frank Salazar, SBDCNet Researcher
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Statistics and Trends
- Trends and reports from the U.S. Department of Commerce include:
- Annual Survey of Manufacturers; Current Industrial Reports; Manufacturers Shipments, Inventories, and Orders; U.S. Economic Census, Manufacturing Geographic Series; and the U.S. Economic Census, Manufacturing Industry Series.
- In addition, provides manufacturing statistics, industry news and resources.
- Forbes Manufacturing – Contains current headlines in the industry, trends, and also financial information
Manufacturing Best Practices and Government Resources:
Best Manufacturing Practices – a source of information for best practices in manufacturing.
Trade Adjustment Centers a listing of programs which assist manufacturers severely impacted by international trade.
National Institute of Standards & Technology. NIST’s mission is to develop and promote measurement, standards, and technology to enhance productivity, facilitate trade, and improve the quality of life. NIST carries out its mission in four cooperative programs:
- NIST Laboratories, conducting research that advances the nation’s technology infrastructure and is needed by U.S. industry to continually improve products and services;
- Baldrige National Quality Program, which promotes performance excellence among U.S. manufacturers, service companies, educational institutions, and health care providers; conducts outreach programs and manages the annual Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award which recognizes performance excellence and quality achievement;
- Manufacturing Extension Partnership, a nationwide network of local centers offering technical and business assistance to smaller manufacturers; and
- Advanced Technology Program, which accelerates the development of innovative technologies for broad national benefit by co-funding R&D partnerships with the private sector.
Technology Transfer Information Center Informational links prepared by the National Agricultural Library.
SBA SBIR/STTR innovation research and technology transfer information.
Thomas Register – directory of manufacturing firms. Good source for contract and prototype manufacturing.
Manufacturing Information by Industry (Selected Industries):
- National Association of Manufacturers – Offers stats, skilled workforce center, and other industry information
- Plastics Industry Economic Statistics From the American Chemistry Council.
- Plastics News – online trade magazine. Find industry trends, suppliers and companies here.
- Plastics Data Source Statistics on the industry from the Society of the Plastics Industry.
Photo by amin khorsand on Unsplash