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Agriculture Industry

Agriculture Industry


This section provides Agriculture Industry links and resources to assist your startup or small business. Additionally, you can also receive free professional business advice and free or low-cost business training from your local Small Business Development Center!

View our related business reports here: Food Industry Market Research and Farmers Market Business.

Agriculture Industry Overview & Forecast

The agriculture industry is a volatile sector affected by weather conditions, economic fluctuation, and supply chain disruption. The industry is increasingly impacted by climate change and extreme weather, such as drought, wildfires, and air pollution. These environmental factors influence the health, quality, and yield quantities of agricultural products such as crops and livestock, resulting in limited food supply. Thus, commodity prices are subject to change, which is also affected by inflation.

The industry has made strides in technology, and sustainability efforts, notably, seeking out renewable energy sources that will help with farming production. The increased use of renewable energy, as well as the growth in popularity of regenerative agriculture, has opened the door to new opportunities for farmers.

The industry contributes 12% of greenhouse gas emissions and the manufacture of these products also rely heavily on natural resources. While many American farmers are aware of the need for sustainability efforts, adoption towards this has been low. Industry leaders are seeking way to respond to these growing concerns while combating farm labor shortages due to a declining agricultural workforce.

Industry Sub-Sectors

Agriculture is a large industry encompassing multiple sub-sectors including crop production, livestock production, commercial fishing, and forestry. The following resources provide additional insights.

Crop Production

As a staple of American society, crop production is a key industry. The output of U.S. farms contributes $203.5 billion to GDP and represents 20% of exports. However, according to data reported from Farm Bureau, almost 40% of the food grown in the U.S. is never consumed and 25% of what makes it into households is discarded. Supply chain efficiency is more important than ever to help reduce waste. Trends in the farm-to-table and farm-to-market have helped directly connect consumers with fresh food to combat waste.  

Here are additional resources on crops produced in the U.S. and factors that impact their production:

Wheat and Grain

Fruits and Vegetables

  • Vegetable Growers News – breakdown of vegetable production
  • The Packer – outlook report on fruit and nut production
  • Growing Producer – survey results on the impact of input prices
  • Sustain – U.S. initiative to increase fruit and vegetable consumption for low-income families

Greenhouse, Floriculture, and Horticulture

Indoor Farming and Nursery

Regenerative Farming and Technology

Agriculture has a big impact on the environment. The methods farmers use to plant and harvest their crops impact more than just the plants. Regenerative Agriculture is a holistic approach to farming that focuses on the health of the soil and biodiversity in the environment. New agriculture technology has also helped regenerative efforts and improved inefficient crop production.

Here are some additional resources on regenerative farming and technology:

  • Farmland – content and tools on regenerative agriculture
  • The Rockefeller Foundation – video measuring the impact of regenerative farming
  • Resilience – interview discussing the use of technology to expand regenerative farming
  • Resonance – list of companies supporting regenerative agriculture practices
  • Forbes – five predictions for Agtech
  • AI for Small Business – guide to deploying artificial intelligence tools for small businesses

Animal Production and Apiculture

  • Agriculture Dive – explores the implementation of sustainable practices for the livestock industry.
  • Scientific American – a look at how drug misuse in farm animals is contributing to antibiotic resistance.
  • Farm Income Decrease – report on farm dropping income projections
  • Stabilizing Honeybee Population – report from PBS News on the beekeepers regenerating honey bee colonies
  • Bee Culture – news releases on the launch of an online emergency assistance program for Livestock, Honey Bees and Farm-raised Fish

Aquaculture and Commercial Fishing


Government Agencies

The U.S. Department of Agriculture is the primary federal agency that governs activities related to farming, forestry, rural economic development, and food in the United States. Here are additional resources from the USDA:

Additional Agencies:

  • American Farm Bureau – a national federation which advocates and represents the U.S. agriculture community including farmers, ranchers, and rural communities.
  • U.S. International Trade Commission – a national government agency which focuses on matters of trade, including agricultural products.

Agriculture Industry Data

Resources on the American agriculture industry from the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Additional Data Tool

  • Commodities and Products – utilize the FoodSearcher Tool or view the various reports on agricultural products that have been reported by a diverse community of food-related business from the Agricultural Marketing Resource Center

Agricultural Trade Associations

  • Agricultural Marketing Resource Center – collects information on marketing conditions in the agricultural industry sector.
  • Cooperative Extension Foundation – embedded in the Cooperative Extension System of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, the organization assists in collaboration and connection among the nation’s 112 Land-grant Universities and Colleges.
  • U.S. Grains Council – develops export markets for grains products and reports weekly updates on weather, prices, and freight information for grains products and co-products.
  • National Farmers Union – advocates for farmers, ranchers, fishers, and other agricultural communities through education, cooperation, and legislation.
  • National Council of Farmer Cooperatives – represents the interests of farmer cooperatives and other farmer-owned enterprises, provides education and stewardship for employee-owned agribusinesses.
  • AmericanHort – provides education, networking, advocacy, and more for the horticulture industry.
  • Organic Farmers Association – supports collaboration and leadership among Certified Organic Farmers through policy advocacy and educational resources.
  • Organic Consumers Association – advances food and farming policy issues surrounding food safety, industrial agriculture, genetic engineering, children’s health, corporate accountability, Fair Trade, and environmental sustainability.
  • American Fisheries Society – advances the fisheries profession through scientific research, publication of resources, and networking opportunities in effort to advance fisheries science and conserve fishing resources.
  • Food and Agriculture Organization – a specialized agency of the United Nations that produces statistical data, research, and publications on growing food.
  • American Agri-Women – a national coalition of women in farm, ranch, and other agribusinesses.
  • Regenerative Organic Alliance – provides agricultural certification for soil health, animal welfare, and fairness for farmers & workers.

Agriculture Grant and Funding Opportunities

Agriculture Trade Publications

Business Plans

See also: Business Plans 

Additional Resources

Already in business or thinking about starting your own small business? Check out our various small business resources:

Remember, you can also receive free professional business advice and free or low-cost business training from your local Small Business Development Center!

Photo by Dan Meyers on Unsplash




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